Meeting Recording
This was an in-person meeting and no recording is available.
President's Comments
Our President Adrian was absent today and Past President Louise Gardiner welcomed everyone to the meeting. In recognition of the passing of past member Al Cormier and her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, a moment of silence was held.
Sharon MacDonald, a guest of Ailton Santana
Frank Oudesluys, RC of Guelph South, guest of the club
Happy Jar
Past President Louise is happy that son Matthew and wife Erin celebrated their 8th wedding anniversary recently and announced that they are expecting another grandchild for Louise and Graham.
Ailton Santana is very pleased that his daughter is now in her first year at university.
Richard Bruckeder was happy to recount several milestones in his family over the past several months: In March they became grandparents when his second son and wife had a baby, In August he celebrated his 56th birthday, and his eldest son has just got married and is on his honeymoon in England and was standing in front of Buckingham palace yesterday, and finally next week he and his wife will be off to Fredericton to visit their newest grandchild. There was also one sad event with the passing of Richard’s mother-in-law last month.
Club Announcements
Tracking of Volunteer Hours
Past President Louise let members know that, as part of Rotary’s aim to improve our Public Image and to tell our stories we will be working to collect data on the number of volunteer hours we contribute. On a monthly basis committee chairs are being asked to submit the number of members and hours served on meetings, individual planning, project work, etc. Any Rotary work other than regular meetings should be included. Work at the district level should also be provided by individual members directly to Louise.
Online Auction
Committee Chair,
Neil Swayze let members know that work on this year’s fundraiser is well under way.
Highlights include:
• The event will run from November 5th to 19th.
• Our goal is still to have each member contribute at least $500 in auction items and/or donations
• We hope to have a 10% increase in our profits to $32,000
• Members will be asked to place three or more lawn signs promoting the fundraiser at their homes or businesses. Signs will be distributed on October 17th.
• There are still nine different clubs involved in the online auction so there will be lots of great items for everyone to bid on.
• Information packages will be emailed to all members with more details and support
material such as a standardized request letters that can be customized with each
individual member’s contact information.
Meeting Venue
Secretary Bill Proctor let members know that for the next several months the venue for our in-person meetings (first Monday of the month) will be at the Charcoal Steak House. For this arrangement to work most effectively members will be asked to register for the meetings, paying online and to indicating their meal selections. Anyone having any difficulties with registering online or needing to cancel after registering should contact Secretary Bill as soon as possible.
Catch The Ace
Another week and still no Ace of Spades! Last week's winner Kathy P. chose card #51 revealing the Jack of Diamonds. She won the weekly prize of $1,192. When you buy tickets you have a chance to win the weekly prize and if your card is the Ace of Spades you will also win the Progressive Prize which will be over $28,000. The next weekly draw is on Thursday September 15th.
The deadline to get your tickets as always is Wednesday at Midnight. Don't forget that you have to purchase a ticket the week of the draw to qualify for both the weekly and progressive jackpot!
When you play
Catch the Ace not only do you have a chance to win great prizes but you also win by knowing that the net proceeds will all be going to
Upcoming Meeting Correction
At our meeting today it was announced that there is no meeting next week, this was in error. Due to last Monday being a holiday with no meeting, next week is both a regular (Noon – ZOOM) meeting and a committee meeting week. Please be sure to join us online for a great presentation on our Rotary African Women’s Education Fund (RAWEF) – 100 Students for 100 Years!
Program Highlights
Our program today was an update on our long-standing international support project in Nogales Mexico, presented by project co-chairs, club member, Cheryl Ewing and Frank Oudesluys from the Rotary Club of Guelph South. Cheryl and Frank were introduced by Cam Yule.
Cheryl has been associated with the Nogales Project since the beginning, 23 years ago. For most of that time she has been the chair and co-chair of the multi-club group that supports the project. It has been an excellent learning experience helping to understand the tremendous impact of Rotary on an international scale, but also the pitfalls with first world expectations of third world countries.
Frank Joined Rotary on July 31 2021 as a Charter Member of Rotary Club of Guelph South. He has served as club president twice – in 2003-04 and in 2010-11. He is married to life partner Heather, and they have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. His pastimes include Fishing, Golfing, and Travelling. Frank has been involved with the Nogales project for several years.
The Nogales Project began initially as a distribution of Christmas Shoeboxes (toys, hygiene items, mitts and hats, etc.), blankets and food hampers. However, as relationships and trust grew over the years many more sustainable aspects of the project have developed. Here are some key points from today’s presentation:
Shoeboxes and Beyond
- Started as shoebox project in Nogales led by Pantano Club, Tucson after five years became three country project
- Although Pantano no longer participates, Americans still join us
- Clubs in Districts 7080 and 7090 have been involved for 20 years.
- Community driven – local Rotary Club identifies needs allowing for expansion of projects beyond the gifts to more sustainable contributions
Into the Future
- Shoeboxes has provided a tool for increasing government support for the local Rotarians at the municipal and state level.
- Although the Mexicans consider the Shoebox distribution an essential part of the project, the partnership has put fewer resources into this aspect to expand the community impact.
Increased Community Impact
- Refurbishing school desks
- Early kidney detection
- Mobility assistance
- Providing commercial oven to community centre teaching women to bake and thus provide additional source of family income
- Assisting throughout COVID with PPE & oxygen tanks
Student Desks Restoration
- Program started after we were informed there was a lack of student desks at most Nogales schools.
- Most schools had a lot of unusable desks piled up.
- Capacity of schools is defined by the number of seats available.
- For every single desk we could fix, means one more kid can attend the school!
- The average repair cost per desk is $30 US.
- We expect to repair close to 220 desks, so the total cost will be around $6600.
- As of today, 120 desks have been delivered back to schools.
- 50 are ready and 50 are currently
Orthopedic Support
- We purchased 10 wheelchairs with a local supplier,
- The investment is equivalent to 300 US Dollars.
- We received a donation of different orthopedic devices such as walkers and wheelchairs.
Early Detection of Kidney Disease
- Test made to children from elementary schools
- Reactive strip test sample to detect abnormalities in urine.
- Follow up of cases with deeper lab analysis.
- Support on treatment.
Closing Remarks & Reminders
September 19 - Noon Zoom - Martin Jones - RAWEF video & presentation Celebrating 100 students for 100 years
September 26 - Evening Event - 6pm Edelweiss Tavern - New member inductions and Who Am I
October 3 - Noon - in person Charcoal Steakhouse - Neil Swayze Rotary Online Auction Kick off - Registered Event (link to follow)
October 10 - No Meeting Thanksgiving
October17 - Noon Zoom - Polio Plus Update & Polio Plus Society - Dr Mike Lawrie & Badar Shamim
October 22 - Online Auction Sign Distribution
October 24 - Dom Cardillo Trail - Fall Cleanup - Registered Event (link to follow)